This chapter describes Digital Network Architecture Phase V (DNAV) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
DNAV.001 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.001 DNA pkt forwarded via OSI at level rtg_lvl
Long Syntax: DNAV.001 DNA packet forwarded via OSI at level rtg_lvl
Description: A DNA packet was received and then passed to OSI for forwarding.
DNAV.002 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.002 DNA pkt translated to OSI pkt source_NSAP -> destination_NSAP
Long Syntax: DNAV.002 DNA pkt translated to OSI pkt: source_NSAP -> destination_NSAP
Description: A DNA data packet was successfully translated to an OSI data packet.
DNAV.003 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.003 Translation of DNA pkt to OSI pkt failed
Long Syntax: DNAV.003 Translation of DNA pkt to OSI pkt failed
Description: An attempt to translate a DNA data packet to an OSI data packet failed.
DNAV.004 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.004 OSI pkt translated to DNA pkt src -> dst
Long Syntax: DNAV.004 OSI pkt translated to DNA pkt: src -> dst
Description: An OSI data packet was successfully translated to a DNA data packet.
DNAV.005 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.005 Translation of OSI pkt to DNA pkt failed
Long Syntax: DNAV.005 Translation of OSI pkt to DNA pkt failed
Description: An attempt to translate an OSI data packet to a DNA data packet failed.
DNAV.006 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.006 OSI pkt forwarded via DNA at level rtg_lvl
Long Syntax: DNAV.006 OSI packet forwarded via DNA at level rtg_lvl
Description: An OSI packet was received and then passed to DNA for forwarding.
DNAV.007 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.007 timed out route to DNA IV ES reactivated src_area. src_node
Long Syntax: DNAV.007 timed out route to DNA IV ES reactivated src_area. src_node
Description: A DNA endnode hello packet was received with a route that had been previously timed out in the OSI database.
DNAV.008 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DNAV.008 ISIS hello from distance vector router funnelled to DNA
Long Syntax: DNAV.008 ISIS hello from distance vector router funnelled to DNA
Description: An ISIS hello was received from a router running distance vector - the hello was passed to DNA IV to establish a router adjacency.
DNAV.009 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.009 new 1-way adj w/ phase V dist vect router sender cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.009 new 1-way adjacency with phase V distance vector router sender on circuit number network network_name
Description: We have just received an ISIS Hello Message from the specified router, but our address is not in the IS neighbor list of the hello message. We have a one-way adjacency with this router, it will not be two-way until our address is in the IS neighbor list.
DNAV.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.010 Adj up; new phase V dist vect rtr area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.010 Adjacency up; new phase V distance vector router area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now an adjacency with the specified router on one of the directly connected networks. Level 1 (and 2) Routing Messages will now be accepted from this node.
DNAV.011 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.011 Adj dwn: dropped by phase V dist vect rtr area. node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.011 Adjacency down, operator initiated: dropped by phase V distance vector router area. node, circuit number network network_name
Description: An ISIS Hello Message has been received from a router that we have an adjacency with, but does not include our address in the IS neighbor list. The adjacency will be taken down, and will not come back up until our address is in the IS neighbor list.
Cause: Adjacent router restarted.
Cause: One-way communication. While this router can receive packets from the adjacent router, the adjacent router cannot receive packets from this router.
Action: Ensure that there is two-way communication on the circuit.
DNAV.012 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.012 pkt trans V to IV err - segmentation needed but not permitted
Long Syntax: DNAV.012 packet translation V to IV error - segmentation needed but not permitted
Description: An OSI data packet could not be translated to a DNA IV data packet because it needs to be segmented - segmentation of it is not permitted.
DNAV.013 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.013 pkt trans V to IV err - src or dst addr not translatable
Long Syntax: DNAV.013 packet translation V to IV error - source or destination address not translatable
Description: An OSI data packet could not be translated to a DNA IV data packet because either the source or destination address is not Phase IV translatable.
DNAV.014 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.014 Validation of phase IV info in ISIS hello PDU failed
Long Syntax: DNAV.014 Validation of phase IV info in ISIS hello PDU failed
Description: An ISIS hello PDU was received with an invalid Phase IV information option.
DNAV.015 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.015 Phase IV hello from Phase V system dropped
Long Syntax: DNAV.015 Phase IV hello from Phase V system dropped
Description: A Phase IV hello PDU is dropped because it was sent by a Phase V system - adjacencies with Phase V systems are established using Phase V hellos.
DNAV.016 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.016 L1 LSP from DNA system dropped - running dist vect at level 1
Long Syntax: DNAV.016 L1 LSP from DNA system dropped - running dist vect at level 1
Description: A level 1 link state packet received from a DNA system is dropped because this router is running distance vector at level 1.
DNAV.017 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.017 L2 LSP from DNA system dropped - running dist vect at level 2
Long Syntax: DNAV.017 L2 LSP from DNA system dropped - running dist vect at level 2
Description: A level 2 link state packet received from a DNA system is dropped because this router is running distance vector at level 2.
DNAV.018 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.018 ISIS hello dropped - nonmatching Phase IV areas
Long Syntax: DNAV.018 ISIS hello dropped - nonmatching Phase IV areas
Description: An ISIS hello PDU is dropped because the Phase IV area address in the area address option does not match this router's Phase IV area address.
DNAV.019 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.019 Adj up; new DNA V endnode area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.019 Adjacency up; new DNA V endnode area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now an adjacency with the specified DNA Phase V endnode on the specified network.
Cause: Received valid ISO ESIS hello message.
DNAV.020 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.020 Trans DNIV pkt not forwarded - mapping of out adj ID area. node to SNPA add failed
Long Syntax: DNAV.020 Translated DECnet IV packet not forwarded - mapping of output adjacency's Phase IV ID area. node to an OSI SNPA address failed.
Description: The translation of a DECnet IV packet to a DECnet V packet failed because a mapping couldn't be found between the output adjacency's DECnet IV ID and an OSI SNPA address.
Cause: An end system adjacency doesn't exist in the OSI database for the next hop system.
DNAV.021 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.021 verify fail on cir ( routing-circuit)
Long Syntax: DNAV.021 verification failure on circuit ( routing-circuit)
Description: There was a verification failure during link initialization on the circuit.
DNAV.022 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.022 link init timeout on cir ( routing-circuit)
Long Syntax: DNAV.022 link initialization timeout on circuit ( routing-circuit)
Description: The link-initialization timer expired before the router successfully initialized the link.
DNAV.023 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.023 init min timeout on cir( routing-circuit)
Long Syntax: DNAV.023 Initial Minimum Timer expired on circuit ( routing-circuit)
Description: The Initial Minimum Timer expired before the router successfully initialized the link.
DNAV.024 |
Short Syntax: DNAV.024 link init fail on cir ( routing-circuit)
Long Syntax: DNAV.024 link initialization failure on circuit ( routing-circuit)
Description: The link initialization failed on the circuit.
DNAV.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.025 Adj up; new DNA IV VAXcluster alias area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.025 Adjacency up; new DNA IV VAXcluster alias area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now a DNA Phase IV end node adjacency representing a VAXcluster alias address on the specified network.
Cause: The router received a valid DNA IV Level 1 Routing message, which advertises a VAXcluster alias address.
DNAV.026 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DNAV.026 Adj dwn; DNA IV VAXcluster alias area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DNAV.026 Adjacency down; DNA IV VAXcluster alias area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: A DNA Phase IV end node adjacency representing a VAXcluster alias address went down.
Cause: The adjacency to the DNA IV router that was advertising the alias address timed out.
Cause: The router received a valid DNA IV Level 1 Routing message from the router that was advertising the alias address. The adjacency now advertises a different alias address or no alias address.